Clinging to the Wreckage

Eric Joyce, former Army Major, thug and the most expensive MP in the country – by allowances – has resigned from the Labour Party following his assault conviction saying:

“…the standard of my conduct fell egregiously below what is required by a member of this House, or indeed anyone, anywhere”.

Which is all well and good as far as it went but sadly he somehow forgot to say that he was taking up the Stewardship of the Manor of Northstead.

This ‘egregious’ oversight means that we are apparently stuck with him and his expense account until the 2015 General Election (assuming this Parliamentary term goes the distance) at which he has said he will not stand.

Whatever happened, I wonder, to that promised ‘right of recall’..?


  1. WitteringsfromWitney says:

    XThe ‘right of recall’ promise is but a long list of promises that have not been kept. Referendum promise? Local referendum promise? Implementation of the Wright Report promise? Local planning right of refusal promise?

    But hey, since when did politicians know the definition of the word?