Posts tagged ‘Monty Don’

Gardening fascism

Whilst plugging his latest book at the Cheltenham Literature Festival last Saturday, professional plant-bother Monty Don said that he would

[…] like to see a garden or an allotment compulsory, so if it’s a flat, it comes with an allotment, and if it’s a house, it has to have a garden.

To which the only rational response is language that my mother would still scold me for.

Part of the reason I live in a flat is that I do not want the hassle of a garden; indeed I am so uninterested in anything plant related that I have nary a single one in my flat. If I did own a house with a garden area the most adventurous I’d get with it is a patch of grass to be mown every so often and lots of paving. I can’t tell a weed from another piece of plant life and have no desire to kneel in the dirt pulling one out of the ground.

If other people want an allotment, wish to turn their garden space into something that Tom and Barbara Good would feel at home in or feel the need to attempt to create something that would win the Chelsea Flower Show then bully for them. Just don’t inflict them on those of us who don’t want them.